There are three main changes that 5G has brought to the smart.

Jimi loTJimi loT2018-09-07

There are three main changes that 5G has brought to the smart home:

The first is a significant increase in transmission rate. One of the key features of 5G compared to 4G is the significant increase in transmission speed. 5g can basically deliver speeds of up to 10 times faster than 4G. Because the smart home still needs to be based on the Internet, the speed of data connections between each other directly affects the user's experience.

Second, the time delay is greatly reduced. The transition from 4G to 5G has also significantly reduced the time delay. The 4g network has a delay of 10ms, but on 5G, that number has been reduced to 1ms again. The current use of 4G networks for smart home control is often time-delayed, devices in the exchange of information will consume a certain amount of feedback time. In practice, the feeling of having to pause for a few seconds to respond to a command makes human-computer interaction difficult.

Finally is the network standard further unification. The current smart home products are mostly single-piece existence, we control the smart home method is basically a straight-line through the phone "communication. ". But the really smart home network needs to do is between the various devices, and even between the various brands, models with each other. This is the current "island" smart home products cannot do.

The AI technology improves the response space, allowing the AI to pull an isolated device into the scene, giving Not a richer vision. "Ai + Iot" technology tuyere, the Internet and home appliance enterprises is an important force to promote the development of the smart home industry. Including Housing Enterprises, security enterprises, equipment vendors, third-party service providers, can find their own position in this wave. Smart home involves all aspects of consumer life, including a wide range of services, from the housing, home appliances, security control, to small locks, sockets, water, and electricity card, will benefit from the arrival of new technologies.
Both Google and Amazon have a new identity in the global marketplace -- the Aiot (AI + IoT) service provider, for example, has invested heavily in voice-enabled Speakers It is also expected to graft audio service into the audio interface by means of voice interaction, and become the control interface of household appliances, connecting the sound box and household appliances.
Smart audio is part of the ecosystem of smart homes, giving users the possibility of voice control over other smart hardware. In practice, one smart speaker can control all smart homes, such as Voice Control for curtains, air conditioning, and so on the Bread machine, lamps and so on, intelligent sound box is an entrance, a master control platform, expanding the intelligent equipment response quantity and response space.

Competition in the industry is escalating
Today, the smart home market is active in several forces: PC manufacturers, internet manufacturers, home appliance manufacturers, operators, real estate companies. China's smart home market activists are basically industry giants, including Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Lenovo, Huawei, Xiaomi, Haier, Midea and so on.
But no industry, no digital home then, no smart home now, has ever resolved this dispute: There is no single standard, and everyone is on their own. This kind of condition became a strange phenomenon and a big obstacle that the intelligent household industry develops. The combination of 5G and AI will ignite a new round of arms race in the smart home market, directly affect the innovation dynamics and speed of the smart home industry, and will greatly improve the status of individual brands. To give you the simplest example, when you view a smart camera remotely from a mobile APP, you can get higher resolution images and much lower latency of data transfer. At this year's World Internet of things conference in Houx, China Mobile deployed an 8K resolution high-definition screen to showcase Houx's waterside landscape. Over a 5G network, surveillance cameras can still capture 8K images from hundreds of meters away.
And because 5G technology supports more connected devices, the total number of devices in the smart home scenario is capped at a higher number. At this stage has been smart speakers for the Central Smart Home Model Room, the maximum access to 6-8 products, and with the introduction of 5G technology, experts say the future can control 20 or more smart home appliances.
These changes will not only upgrade the experience of smart home products but also ease the awkwardness of incompatibility between brands.
In the future, intelligent ecology or intelligent platforms, can not be simply smart device manufacturers, or only have the ability to sell companies, need to have their own set of the ecological system. The establishment of the intelligent ecosystem needs the ecological founder to have the strong calling ability, and the best way is to have the ability to fill the ecological gap at the level of R & D, Production, sales, service, etc. In order to really shoulder the establishment of intelligent ecosystem flag and heavy responsibility. So, it seems that there are not many companies with the conditions to build a smart ecology. Whether major companies can quickly fill the gaps and compete for a ticket in the 5G era will be a big attraction in the future.

Industry insiders predict that China will truly enter the 5G era in 2020, and the number of global smart hardware products will reach 25 billion, which means that by 2020, all traditional lifestyles will be replaced by SMART PRODUCTS The real smart home era will come.

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